Dean and I began our relationship in 2005 at the ripe young ages of 21 (me) and 22 (him). We have always been on the same page about having a family once things fell into place and once we were married. And so on the 10th of September in 2011 we said 'I do' and took the first step toward creating our family. We had discussed that we would start 'trying' to get pregnant right away. We agreed that we were ready for it but that we also didn't know what the process may be like for us.
The interesting thing about that last sentence is that neither of us knew anyone close to us that had difficulty getting pregnant or staying pregnant. Actually it was quite the opposite.
As October 2011 rolled around, my cycle was a few days late. That wasn't extremely abnormal though as my cycle length was known to fluctuate within a couple days. 3 days late. 5 days late. The first thought of 'could I be pregnant' started to creep into my mind. But I thought 'no way, we just started trying'. I also had some spotting which is a normal indication for me that I'm about to start so I was sure now that I definitely wasn't pregnant. I was going to start my cycle any day now. The day that AF (aunt flow) was 5 days late I had a tuna sandwich from Subway for lunch and I felt sick almost immediately after I ate it. Again I thought, 'could I be pregnant' but I quickly associated feeling sick with the tuna being bad or something. That was a Friday. Saturday came and went with no AF. Finally on Sunday I decided to get some cheapo HPT's (home pregnancy tests). Dean was with me when I took the test. So I POAS (peed on a stick) and waited for the results. We had no clue what it was telling us. We didn't know how to interpret the lines. There's one going up and down but not side to side...what does that mean? We went to bed that night not really knowing anything.
The next day (Monday) Dean started a new job so things were very exciting and it nearly made me forget about possibly being pregnant. But on my way to work I decided to pick up some more tests that would be a bit easier to interpret. Into the bathroom at my office I went. Again I POAS and waited. This time I was going to get Yes or No. There's no misinterpreting that....
3 minutes later it was clear - YES!
Despite taking 4 tests at this point I still wasn't 100% convinced so bestie and I went to get more tests over our lunch break. These were the Pregnant or Not Pregnant kind. This is what I needed. I took both. Both said Pregnant. It was starting to sink in at this point that maybe this is real. I really am pregnant! Since it was Dean's first day at his new job, it was the perfect way to surprise him with the news. I got him a congratulations card and put a baby ruth, the HPT's and a cute little baby book in a gift bag. I didn't talk to him literally all day because he was super busy on his first day. But we carpooled that day and I knew I'd see him right after work. I couldn't wait. I gave him his gift in the car right after I picked him up. I pulled over in the parking lot of his office and told him to open it. It was just a 'little something to say congrats on your first day'. He started opening the gift and read the card first. Then he opened the tests I had wrapped. It took him a few seconds to realize what they were and what they said...then he said 'oh shit! Are you really?' with a huge smile. I said YES and we were both overwhelmed with joy.
Earlier that day I looked online to determine my due date. It was June 18th, 2012 according to my LMP (last menstrual period). I was five weeks pregnant which means we conceived on our honeymoon.
As we rode home we talked about who we should tell and when. I knew it was VERY early and was a bit unsure of telling anyone quite yet but Dean wanted to tell his parents. Without much of a chance to object he called his parents and put all of us on speakerphone. 'We're pregnant' he exclaimed. His parents were thrilled! We asked them to keep it to themselves for now as we needed to decide how we want to share the news. I told Dean I wanted to do something special to tell my parents and sisters so we waited to say anything to anyone else.
...To be continued
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